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Pig News & Events 2018

Sun 30th September 2018
Including a highlight on the most recent move of ASF into Western Europe, salt poisoning and what causes it, along with what we are seeing around and about.
Tue 28th August 2018
Including a highlight on the recent carbon dioxide shortage across the UK, a new article on colitis, the latest on ASF around the World, along with what we are seeing around and about.
Mon 30th July 2018
Including a highlight on the recent published antibiotic usage figures, a new way of tackling infections, and a reminder about Erysipelas, along with what we are seeing around and about.
Tue 26th June 2018
Including a highlight on the latest BVG breeding herd figures, and recent research on aural (ear) haematomas, along with what we are seeing around and about.
Fri 25th May 2018
Including a highlight on African Swine Fever, a scholarship application deadline, the new PVS President (our own pig vet Duncan), along with what we are seeing around and about.
Mon 16th April 2018
Including a highlight on an upcoming change to the Red Tractor standards, a Defra consultation, some information on sow shoulder sores, along with what we are seeing around and about.
Fri 30th March 2018
Including a highlight on borehole water testing, a new type of dysentery found in Germany, an update to the eMB, along with what we are seeing around and about.
Mon 5th March 2018
Including a highlight on Ascarid worm infections, including some of their more diverse effects, information on water dosing, along with what we are seeing around and about.
Mon 22nd January 2018
Including a timely reminder about biosecurity in light of a dysentery case, iron deficiency anaemia, some tips about tail biting prevention, along with what we are seeing around and about.