Our pets are more than just an animal to us. They are family. When the time comes for them to leave this earth and cross the Rainbow Bridge we will go through many emotions:- denial, anger, confusion, depression and then finally acceptance. Sometimes we have time to prepare, sometimes our beloved pet will make the decision for us. We have put together some information that we hope will be helpful and comforting during a terribly sad time.
When is the right time to let my pet go?
This is one of the hardest decisions for a pet owner to make and a very common question. Every pet’s situation is different which is why it is important to discuss this with your vet before you come to any decisions. Euthanasia may be the kindest option when other methods to alleviate pain or distress are no longer helpful, meaning that your pet can sadly no longer have a comfortable quality of life. It is important that family members are included in the decision wherever possible.
How can I prepare for a euthanasia appointment?
It can be helpful to consider the following:
- Who wants or needs to be present?
- Do you have any questions regarding further treatment options?
- Do you have any special requests regarding location or team members?
- What is your preference regarding cremation or home burial?
What happens at a Euthanasia appointment?
The vet will typically examine your pet and discuss potential treatment options, to support you in making an informed decision. If you are unsure then the vet may recommend you take time at home with your pet and family to consider the options further. If you decide that euthanasia is the best option based on your pet’s welfare, the vet will need you to sign a form to consent to euthanasia and provide your choice regarding home burial, communal cremation or individual cremation.
The vet will clip a little fur on your pet’s leg and place an intravenous cannula. In some cases, sedation may be required for this to be completed in a calm and stress-free manner.
You will be asked if you would like to be present during euthanasia. While many people find this comforting, others prefer to leave. This is a personal choice. Your pet is treated with the same care and respect by our team whatever decision you make.
The final injection is administered via the intravenous cannula. It is an overdose of an anaesthetic and your pet will drift quickly and painlessly to sleep. Occasionally there can appear to be a series of deep breaths afterwards. These are a natural reflex and your pet will not be aware of these. The vet will advise you of when your pet has passed by checking their heart and reflexes.
What happens if my pet does not like being handled?
It may be helpful to discuss this at the time of booking the appointment, as the vet may be able to provide oral sedatives to be administered in advance. Alternatively, your pet may be given an injectable sedation. In some cases it may be necessary to use a muzzle while administering a sedation to ensure safety.
For some pets and pet owners, stress can be reduced by attending the surgery either at the start or end of the day, or to go to one of our smaller clinics where there are less patients present at one time.
Home Visit
If you would prefer a house visit this is a service that we can usually offer with a vet and a vet nurse by appointment. This may be less stressful for both you and your pet. An ideal area at home would be well-lit, with a nearby electrical socket for clippers and comfortable both for your pet and for you to sit around. It should be noted that after your pet has passed some leakage of bodily fluids is possible.
We can arrange for your pet to be cremated with other animals, or you may request for them to be cremated individually in which cases you may have their ashes returned in a scatter box, casket or urn of your choice.
Home Burial
It is legal for you to bury your pet at home as long as you do not pay an organisation to do it for you and your vet has judged it safe for your pet to be buried at home without causing a risk to you or other animals.
This information sheet from British Veterinary Association provides more information on burying your pet at home https://www.bva.co.uk/uploadedFiles/burying_your_pet_at_home.doc
My pet has passed away in their sleep during the night – what do I do?
This is one of the most comforting ways for a pet to cross over the Rainbow Bridge for an owner, but at the time is extremely shocking and raises many questions on what to do next.
- You may want to cover them up with a blanket to prevent distress to other family members.
- Call your regular veterinary practice to inform them. It can be a shock to find your pet has passed at home, so if there is someone else to make the phone call this will also help you.
- If you wish to have your pet cremated using our pet cremation service we will ask you to bring your pet into the surgery.
- Your pet will feel heavier when lifted and so if you have a large pet it is advised you prepare your vehicle before moving them. Place blankets/bedsheets down to protect your car, open doors or the boot to help with loading. You might need someone to assist.
- On arrival go to reception and they will call a vet nurse to come and assist you. They will come out to your car and take your pet through the back door for privacy.
- They will then support you and go through the cremation options. If your pet saw a regular vet they will be informed on your behalf.
- For details of our individual pet cremation options please click on the following link click here
Other services – please ask the vet nurse
- Hair clipping –There are companies that will place a small hair clipping in an item of jewellery such as a locket or a ring.
- Paw print – Our vet nurses can take an ink print of your pet’s paw.
Other mementos to remember your pet
- Pet portraits
- Hair/ashes jewellery
- Plant a tree
- Make a scrapbook of your favourite photos
Useful information: -
http://www.theralphsite.com/ a non-profit support group with lots of helpful advice
https://www.bluecross.org.uk/pet-bereavement-support Bereavement support line and information from the Blue Cross
The attached link details the caskets and memorial products that we have available so you can browse in your own time. Click here to find out more