Acupuncture clinics are run by Les Cox BVM&S MRCVS and Simon Burgess BVetMed PGDipVPS CertAVP CertWVACPM MRCVS.
Acupuncture can be helpful in treating a multitude of conditions, and is especially useful in in providing relief for the following conditions:
- Musculoskeletal problems, such as arthritis, intervertebral disk disease or traumatic nerve injury
- Respiratory problems, such as feline asthma
- Skin problems such as lick granulomas and allergic dermatitis
- Gastrointestinal problems – such as diarrhoea
- Selected reproductive problems
Acupuncture is well tolerated by most pets. A typical course of acupuncture would include 3 - 4 appointments at weekly intervals each lasting about 30 minutes.
To make an enquiry or book an appointment please call 01765 602396 or complete our Referral Form by clicking here.