Environmental Sustainability Policy
At Bishopton Veterinary Group we are striving to reduce our impact on the environment. We recognise that the health of animals, humans and the environment are inextricably linked, and that environmental degradation affects the health and wellbeing of employees, animal health and welfare and public health. We acknowledge that our operations influence the environment in terms of the use of raw materials, emissions and waste generation. We are committed to the continual improvement of our environmentaI performance in relation to our services, product recommendations and operations and in Iine with environmental and professional legisIation.
We aim reduce the environmental impact of our clinical work and to encourage more sustainable practice amongst clients, colleagues and suppliers across all aspects of our business. We aim to enable our staff to develop their sustainability knowledge and apply it in our shared goal of creating a more sustainable practice.
We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by:
- Practicing responsible resource use
- Reducing our consumption of energy, water, fuel, anaesthetic gases, paper and other resources
- Promoting and supporting sustainable travel where possible
- Improving waste management by reducing overall waste produced, recycling where possible, using materials with lower environmental impact
- Being sustainable in our operation
- Reducing our use of single use plastics, disposable items and ecotoxic chemicals
- Prioritising the health and wellbeing of our employees
- Promoting biodiversity in our surroundings
- Working with suppliers/contractors with sustainable goals
- Using medicines responsibly
- Promoting health plans and the responsible use of antimicrobials and parasiticides
- Avoiding drug wastage and ensuring safe disposal
- Utilising technology to sustainably enhance animal health and welfare
- Encouraging and empowering our team and clients/local community
- Creating a ‘green group’ to lead sustainability projects and encourage the wider team
- Sharing our sustainability journey with our clients and community
We will continue to strive for further improvement by regularly reviewing our progress and setting targets and by making the environmental impact of any decision a leading consideration in our decision-making processes.