Pig Farmer Training
Training of staff and managers is at the heart of ensuring the best can be gained from the pigs on any farm.
This has been a major part of the ethos of Bishopton Veterinary Group’s Pig Department for decades and has been appreciated by many of our clients for a lot longer.
Along with running our own courses for clients, both in workshop and practical on farm situations, we also provide bespoke training courses for other clients and companies. All of our Pig Department vets are Train the Trainer approved, and most are also full Lantra Award Trainers. This ensures our courses are all delivered to a consistently high standard by people who understand how to get the important information across.
Bishopton Pig Department developed the FarmSkills Pig courses as part of XLVets Training, meaning that the resulting courses are nationally consistent for the whole of the UK with regards to learning outcomes. All our courses are PIPR registered, and we also have a full range of modules that can assist staff members who are studying for their Certificates of Competence, both level 2 & 3.
Following on from the success of our courses run in previous years, we will be running the majority of our training on farm this year in small groups and more specific to individual farm setups – if you have any particular topics you wish to be covered either during a normal visit or at an additional point, please speak to your vet.
In addition to this, we are supplying the trainers for several of the AHDB Pork training inititives within the Stockman and Stockman Plus programmes, the full details of which can be found on their training website.
Please check back here for our future dates as they become available – they will also be publicised in our e-newsletter (sign up on the right) and on the FarmSkills website.
For the full range of FarmSkills courses do head over to their website and find a course in your area.